Transition Lower Hutt
Transition Lower Hutt – to a new era of sustainable, low-carbon, quality living.

Including people from: Belmont, Korokoro, Normandale, Maungaraki, Petone, Moera, Warterloo, Naenae, Wainuiomata, Days Bay, and Eastbourne. Upper Hutt has it’s own Transition Town group: Upper Hutt

Paul Kennett, ph 027 442 1055, email: paul at kennett dot co dot nz
Stuart Edwards, ph 021 074 6640, email: xtracycler at gmail dot com

Transition Initiatives are based on four key assumptions:

That our settlements and communities presently lack the resilience to enable them to weather the severe energy shocks that will accompany peak oil.
That life with dramatically lower energy consumption is inevitable, and that it’s better to plan for it than to be taken by surprise.
That we have to act collectively, and we have to act now.
That by unleashing the collective genius of those around us to creatively and proactively design our energy descent, we can build ways of living that are more connected, more enriching and that recognise the biological limits of our planet.
The future with less oil could, if enough thinking and design is applied sufficiently in advance, be preferable to the present. There is no reason why a lower-energy, more resilient future needs to have a lower quality of life than the present. Indeed, a future with a revitalised local economy would have many advantages over the present, including a happier and less stressed population, an improved environment and increased stability.

Join the Transition Lower Hutt email group to keep informed on activities.





Transition Lower Hutt is looking forward to Stan Abbott talking about collecting water off the roof. It makes sense to do this when water is becoming a scare resource in the Wellington region and Stan will tell us what we need to consider when we actually decide to do the deed…….,,

Rainwater Harvesting in Urban Environments –Why Not?
Stan Abbott: Director, Roof Water Research Centre, Massey University·
Benefits of installing rainwater tanks,·
Types of tanks and costs involved,·
Design and maintenance aspects,·
Steps for Minimising potential contamination,·
Are there any Health risks?,·
Regulations and requirements ,,
When: Tuesday 9 March Where: Transition Centre, 51A Victoria Street, Alicetown Time: 7.30pm – 9.30pm Cost: Koha



How would we cope without a supermarket being magically filled with food everyday? Right now? Not that brilliantly we think! Come and learn how to save and store your harvest so you can eat it later in the year. Reduce your dependance on supermarkets and fill up your pantry.

Dates and times tba


Interest Groups
Following a series of eight talks/films/discussions held in 2008 several interest groups have/are formed/ing:

Awareness raising –
Heart and soul – join the Heart and Soul email group – Brent Cherry
Homes (energy efficiency and health) – Richard Morrison
Economy and finance – Juanita McKenzie
Energy – join the Energy email group facilitated by Paul Kennett
Health – Natalie Forman
Food gardening – join the Food Gardening email group – Stuart Edwards
Reskilling and practical skills training – join the Reskilling email group – Toni

Other events
How to design your life with the future of the planet in mind.
Based in the Horowhenua region of the lower North Island, we offer permaculture workshops and a Permaculture Design Course which is divided into 12 modules, held on weekends throughout the year. All workshops include small group exercises and discussions, with hands-on demonstrations. If you want to attain the Permaculture Certificate you need to attend the first two base modules — Design Course Introduction — and at least 8 of the other 10 modules of the course.

Introduction to Permaculture (13-14 March)
A 2 day workshop on a just, healthy and sustainable way of living. Covering the ethics and principles of permaculture, ecological design and the use of design processes. The skills of observation and the recognition of natural pattern are included, along with brief discussions and demonstrations of a wide range of applications and examples of permaculture in practice, based around the elements of Earth, Fire, Air & Water.

Workshop fees: $50 – 70 per day (sliding scale self-selected on affordability).

May be repeated later in the year.

Design Course Introduction (27-28 March)
1. Philosophy & Design (27 March)
Introducing the ethics and principles of permaculture, and its applications. We will explore the aims and objectives of permaculture living and how it is implemented, how it can be applied to different living environments, the methods of ecological design, and the Permaculture approach to healthy, sustainable living.

2. Landscape & Site Assessment (28 March)
We will look at the landscape and show you how to read the natural patterns, landforms and features of any site. It will include techniques of observation and awareness about the landscape, how to gather important information on both the natural site composition and its cultural implications, ways of drawing up this information, and methods of design.

Workshop fees: $50 – 70 per day (sliding scale self-selected on affordability).

Design Course Modules (Autumn)

3. Soil Life & Food Gardens (10-11 April)
In this two day course we will show you different approaches to designing a Permaculture garden, depending on site and size. You will have the opportunity to get your hands dirty learning about the nature of soils, soil preparations, composting techniques, soil testing, and the relationship between soil microbes, plants and animals. The second day will cover garden layout, design, preparation, the different types of gardens, plant health, weed management and seed propagation.

Weekend (2 day workshop) on Water & Air
4. Water & Water Harvesting (1 May)
We will look at the nature and mysteries of water, while taking a practical approach to understanding the role and importance of water to life. This will include wild foods and cultural (maori) perspectives, identifying its sources and its cycles, and cover quality, purification, treatment techniques, storage, harvesting, use and conservation, and aquaculture.

5. Air & Climate (2 May)
The atmosphere and climate have a major impact on Permaculture design, and different climatic zones require different approaches to the way we live. We cover the nature of the atmosphere, its importance to plants and animals, climates and the factors that effect it, weather and micro-climates, forecasting, air quality, pollution, and shade and shelter design.

Workshop fees: Both weekends (modules 3, 4 , 5) $200, one weekend $120 – paid in advance.

On the day: $70 per day.

The following modules will commence later in the year. (Dates to be confirmed)

Fees: $50 per day paid in advance. $70 on the day

6. Energy & Appropriate Technology
Our way of life is based on finite, non-renewing resources. We will look at the importance of energy, and the nature of energy sources, flows and processes, and the implications of an energy descent. Then at more appropriate technologies, and how to become more self reliant and energy efficient. This will include energy use analyses, technology and the application of science, conservation, demand reduction and the use of renewable resources and local energy alternatives.

7. Home Gardens of Trees & Small Animals
The most productive home gardens are an integrated mix of food trees, shrubs, herbs, and small animals. We cover the basics of backyard food production, from the design and layout of an orchard, to the use and care of small animals. This includes the selection of species for climate and site characteristics, the layout and spacing of trees, planting, propagation, maintaining soil fertility and plant health. Also the importance of small animals in pollination, manuring and recycling within the orchard, and the management of these animals.

8. Nature’s Abundance

Through its diverse forests, woodlands, wetlands and grasslands, nature provides an amazing abundance. How can we live a healthy life within a healthy environment? We will look at the differing ecologies of forests and grasslands, and the role of trees and animals. The importance and usefulness of forests and the management and care of animals, and how this relates to people in cities. We will cover farming and forestry practices, and how to achieve sustainable yields from healthy animals and forests. This will include forest uses and services, forest regeneration and forestry management, animal grazing and manuring, grazing management, water demands, health care, and the construction of animal structures.

9. Nature’s Dynamics
Life has its risks and rewards. There is a dynamic of sudden changes and transitions, and we need to be prepared. Permaculture design explores the nature of our world, and we cover wild foods and medicines, the risk likelihood and consequences from hazards, whether natural, personal, social, economic or societal. Practical tools of preparedness are demonstrated and the ways and means of community responses.

10. Shelter & the Built Environment
Permaculture design teaches you how to build a living environment for physical, mental and emotional well-being while being in harmony with the surroundings. We cover the principles of building biology and ecology, including using local, renewable resources, relating orientation and layout to the natural site environment and landform, and specifics to consider with your building design, such as interior and exterior layout, building materials and construction, and household services. You get your hand dirty with some earth building.

11. Urban Living
Over 80% of the developed world’s population lives in cities that are dependent upon the countryside for water, food, building materials, power etc, and to absorb all the waste. With energy descent and resource depletion impacting on our economy, we look at more appropriate and sustainable ways of living in cities. We cover the challenges of living in the city, then the opportunities of suburban retrofitting, co-housing and urban farming, adapting apartment living and reducing your ecological footprint, being responsible, building urban eco-communities, and urban layout and development.

12. Culture & Society
Who are we, and what are we doing on planet earth? We look at the nature of culture, including personal beliefs, values, ideologies and paradigms, and strategies for cultural transformation: of ourselves, our communities, and our economy. We also look at the social and economic structures that shape our lives, such as the forms of ownership and access to resources, the function and issue of money, and decision-making and conflict management.